Yachting season and weather in Corsica
Every time you sail to sea, you should carefully consider the different directions and strengths of the wind. Corsica is a great sailing destination, suitable for both professionals and beginners. Assailing conditions on the west coast and in Bonifacio Strait is rather difficult. Best time to travel to Corsica — all year round.
In terms of navigation, eastern Corsica is a relatively easy destination. The currents are not strong, the tides have a small range from 10 to 30 cm. However, the wind, depending on the direction, can significantly change the sailing conditions. During the summer months, there are Tramontana, Mistral, Grecale, Levante, Cirocco, Libeccio, and Ponente. The most difficult of them is the Mistral, blowing from the north-west, and Libeccio from the south-west.
Water temperature in sailing season
+20...+24 °
Air temperature in sailing season
+25...+28 °
Wind speed in sailing season
15 - 20 knots
Weather forecast for yachting in Corsica
Upon arrival at the marina, you are usually given the forecast for the next day. Port services regularly receive forecasts, this is the most reliable source of information.
You can find out the forecast and storm warnings on the following sites:
marine.meteoconsult.fr — marine weather forecast for the Mediterranean coast;
meteofrance.com — Marine weather forecast for the coast of France;
windfinder — a service for tradewinds in Corsica, viewing water and air temperatures;
Marine Weather Guide — Marine weather guide from METEO France.