Nearest airports in Monaco
The nearest international airport, Côte d'Azur, is in Nice, a 40-minute bus ride from Monaco or a 10-minute helicopter flight to Monaco Heliport Airport.
Yachting season and weather in Monaco
Best time to travel to Monaco — from May to September. Wind speeds are typically 5-15 knots. There are days when the Mistral descends at high speed from the nearby mountains. Therefore, it is worth checking the weather forecast for Monaco regularly. In winter, this wind can blow at speeds of up to 50 knots.
The local tourist season starts in May when the air temperature reaches + 20 °C. In peak season, it rises to + 26 °C. The maximum temperature is + 33 °C, but it is decreasing very quickly. The weather is pleasant for yachting.
The Monaco water temperature gradually increases from + 18 °C in May to 23 °C in August.
Water temperature in sailing season
+20...+24 °
Air temperature in sailing season
+22...+27 °
Wind speed in sailing season
5 - 15 knots
Weather forecast for Monaco
Port services regularly receive forecasts — this is the most reliable source of information. You can also check the forecast and storm warnings at the following sites:
- — marine weather forecast for the Mediterranean coast;
Marine Weather Guide — Marine weather guide from METEO France;
weather — a site with accurate synoptic data;
windfinder is a service for tracking winds, viewing water and air temperatures.